Tuesday, October 15, 2013

The Master Bedroom Plan

So I'm going to go through each space of my house and share my initial plan... and what better place to start but the very place I will lay my head down every night... well, every night that I'm not traveling at least!

You're aware of the before:


As you can see, there is no door. Interesting, huh? Well, the master is the only thing on the top floor, so a wall is not necessarily necessary for privacy, however, it feels a little odd not being able to close the door to my room. I contemplated a few options here. I knew I had to get rid of the current wrought iron railing, but I initially thought I'd replace with a more traditional wood railing and just leave the space open as-is, but then the more I thought about it, the more I realized I'd really like to be able to retreat to my room and close of the rest of the world house if I felt like it... so I added a wall to my to-do list. 

And I already have a great furniture set for my bedroom, so that helps the budget, as well as some of my bedding! I'm a sucker for a simple white bed with pops of color, texture and pattern. Here's a little idea of what I started with:

Still love the pillow combo on my bed, but I'm ready for something different and I have plans to use these pillows in a different room {stay tuned on that!}.

After living in a rental house for the past three years, I came to a couple of conclusions:
  1. I am ready for a little more than a neutral color on my walls.
  2. I love hardwood floors in my bedroom.
So with those two items at the top of my list, here's where my mood board started out:

wall color image: Country Home Magazine - chair: world market - bedding sources {clockwise from top}: the hunted interior /apartment therapy / unknown / style me pretty

And here's a breakdown of my to-do list:
  • Paint the walls a great bluish/green color
  • Remove icky carpet and install rich hardwoods
  • Build a wall to close off space from stairway and add a door
  • Replace ceiling fan {I have a serious fear of a ceiling fan falling on me while I sleep... so scary!, but this is a phase 2 project when I replace the lighting throughout the house}
  • Paint doors black for a glamorous look
  • Add trim to doors
  • Add crown molding
  • Re-purpose some of my existing bedding
  • Add new pops of color and monogram pieces
  • Create a cozy reading and/or TV watching area
  • Add a rug, drapes, new wood blinds and accessories
  • Add storage unit for hidden shoe storage {yes, I have a shoe storage problem} and accessories
I'm happy to report that the first few bullets have been knocked out! Floors are in and being stained right NOW! So the bones of this room are coming together, just need to get my stuff moved in so I can see what I still need to fill in the gaps!

Here's a sneak peak:

Wondering why there is an outlet smack dab in the middle of the new wall? Planning on mounting my TV!

Don't mind that weird built-in cabinet thing in the corner... I'll figure something out to do with it! I was thinking of taking the doors off and just making it an open shelving area {maybe painted a cool color or striped or lined with a pattern}, but the shelves are crooked and I think it might be more of an eye-sore. We shall see what I come up with here!!! Oh the "charm" of old houses!
Well, there it is! Hope you liked my first house update. There's lots more where that came from... just bear with me!

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