Saturday, December 22, 2012

Happy Birthday, Molly!

Hi there all! Did you miss me yesterday? So sorry for the radio silence... that cold I mentioned earlier this week is really, really kicking my booty! Fingers crossed I can kick it before the holiday festivities commence with my gal pals this evening.

Well, anyway, you know I'm not usually a Saturday poster, but today was too special of a day to let it pass me by... today is my sisters birthday!!! {I won't mention the number... she's been a little sensitive about it ;)}

My sister, Molly, is one of the most important people in my life. She's the type of sister where even the sappiest of Hallmark birthday cards don't even do her justice {I'm serious... I went birthday card shopping twice this year and still wasn't happy with my selection!}. I look up to her {and always have} in every way... although I think the tables have turned on who is in charge in the fashion department. Please see Exhibit A:

That right there is a head-to-toe 90's fashion statement, folks! Flat billed baseball hats, air-brushed personalized outfits {our names were on the pocket of the shorts... and I wonder why I am obsessed with anything personalized these days?!?}, keds... Whoa.

Molly- should we break out those hats for our family trip to Disney in September?!? I would say the air-burshed get-ups, too, but unfortunately I think those are long gone. Hats are still in Mom and Dad's coat closet!

My sister is an amazing Mom to the sweetest little boy, a loving wife, a very impressive wannabe DIY-er, a caring nurse, a beautiful person inside and out, but most of all the bestest friend I could ever ask for. I don't know what I did to deserve such a great sister, but I thank God everyday for her.

Oh, and she's a pretty great secret-keeper, too. Exhibit B:


Happy birthday, Molly! I love you!

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