Tuesday, June 11, 2013

It All Started With a Rug

So I've been pinning the heck out of kilim rugs lately. 

left / center / right

Like I luff, lurve, love them. I think the colors are fantastic. I tend to lean towards the ones that have some pink in them {good thing I'm a single gal and don't have to pass my design decisions by a dude!}, a bright, vibrant magenta to be more specific. And a little navy/taupe/orange/yellow or combination thereof doesn't hurt either. These rugs are a fun way to incorporate a good dose of color! I want that one in the middle for an informal family room area. 

And if I could have one in my kitchen, too, I'd design my whole space around it, like so:

Rug: Sadly, no longer available, but a great inspiration for what I'll be looking for when I settle into my humble abode! {approx. $850}

Placemat: West Elm does a great version of the dip dye, but I've been itching to DIY something like this, too! {$14 for 2}

Copper Canisters: Loving touches of copper in design lately! It's a nice alternative to the traditional silver and gold. Plus, the texture of these guys is ahhh-mazing! {$90}

Table: Spoiler alert! I bought myself a kitchen table this past weekend. Who buys a kitchen table before she has a kitchen? This GIRL! It's not this one, it's better!!! But I'll save the big reveal for when it's parked in my place... soon! {$799}

Chair: Ya, no surprise here... love mixing in the industrial touch. My kitchen is meant to have these chairs {I've only talked about them here and here!}, although, I'm thinking the mint green is a must have for me, so I'll have to keep that in mind as I'm searching for my kilim. {$145}

Mia the Mixer: Of course she'll be front and center in my kitchen! {$450}

Art: Love the chalkboard look. Actually, I'm planning on incorporating a chalkboard wall in my future space, but a little touch on the inspiration board doesn't hurt! {$15}

Tea Towel: Pulling out some of the more understated colors in the kilim is a must. This little towel does just that! And it's a bargain. {$5}

Tea Cup: Of course I go for the polka dots. {$12}

So who wants to come over for dinner once this all comes together? Come one, come all!

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